Throughout life, I have self-healed, self-mentored, self-mastered and self-coached myself out of some of the darkest and toughest life situations and that wasn’t by choice, but by not being able to due to personal and cultural circumstances, or not having the resources to do so.
Since then I have been on my “that girl” journey since January 2011, way before it became a hashtag and an aesthetic, so I can confidently say that I’ve learned a few things around how you can fall off the “that girl” band-wagon at times and of course, how great the peaks feel when you’re riding them.
I can certainly tell you that whether it’s the “that girl” lifestyle or something else you want to commit to in order to improve your lifestyle and habits, it requires you to train your mind, to be in a mindset that allows for you to adapt to new habits, behaviours and systems in order to extract the best version of yourself.
I live by —
· Believe in a higher power – adopt an optimistic outlook to life and attract good energy around you.
· Practice self-mastery – learning about the ocean of knowledge that lives inside you should keep you busy for an entire lifetime.
· Harmonise with nature – rise with the sun, eat from the earth & immerse yourself in the outdoors.
· Learn from each day – reflect often & listen to the lessons being taught.
· Find the joy in life – do things with fun, adventure & curiosity in your heart.
I've lived & stand by —
· Your mind is the key to all that you desire.
· Your environment can shape or break you.
· Healing is the key to your freedom.
· Be where your feet are, don’t dwell on the past or anticipate the future.
· You are your greatest enemy & your greatest friend.
I would
share with anyone —
· Live a simple life.
· Keep an open mind
· Let things come & go easily
· Compassion is more important than love
· Cherish life experiences over materialistic items
Throughout the last decade, I have been on an intense journey of entrepreneurship, self-mastery, exploration, discovery, adversity, uncomfortabilty, acceptance amongst many other things. I have been in rooms where the net-worth is unfathomably sky-high and in rooms where the sound of joy and laughter outweighs anything else on the planet with not a penny in sight!
This has all added to my life’s journal of learning and understanding why we’re here, how each of us are serving a different purpose and having our own unique experience of this thing called life.
Everything I offer the world through my work, comes from a place of my own lived experience and creative expression, my motto is:
I proudly stand by the fact the my educator has been life itself with me turning up each day with my figurative notepad and pen, alongside heaps of awareness which has allowed me to undertsand firsthand the sociology and make-up of human beings and our interactions with each other and ourselves.
There’s no college or university in the world that can give you the same teaching as your own life journey can. We all have the tools and resources inside of us to see life through, all we need to access them is have the right mindset. That’s where I feel I can come in.
Sign up to hear about the launch of my course where I take you on a journey of self-mastery and deeper understanding of how you can utilise the world and the resources around you to build a lifestyle that works to better you. You’ll have lifetime access and be able to log in anytime.
Do you want to work towards a specific goal that you think I can support you with? Are you going through a tough time and seeking emotional support? I believe having a mentor is essential to help facilitate your thinking & actions – if you think I may make a great fit for you, reach out and let’s see.
Every week I share a resource on an area of life I’m working on. Download my principles and frameworks and work through them at your own pace and apply them to your lifestyle.